Help Support Polly's Friends

Help with a one-time gift:
Or help with a one-year recurring payment of $25 each month:
Or a recurring (12 month "subscription") donation of $50

Or send a check or money order to:

Friends of Polly, c/o Heidi Potter, 113 Stable Drive, Guilford VT 05301

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Polly's Story

This past summer, our dear friend Polly Haselton Barger, was diagnosed with breast cancer and within just a few weeks had a double mastectomy and full lymphectomy and within another few weeks began chemotherapy. She is nearly halfway through her battle to beat this disease and Polly is managing well, although not without difficulty, both physically and financially.

Currently Polly is undergoing radiation treatments five days a week. All things considered she is coping well although her skin is beginning to burn and she struggles to find the energy to make it to work each day. In spite of the physical and mental stress of the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Polly's biggest stress right now is financial.

Polly is blessed to have a good job with health benefits as the Program Director for the Certified Horsemanship Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to horsemanship safety. Even gainfully employed and adequately insured, Polly’s bills are mounting. As a single mother with a daughter in college and on a tight budget, the health costs are piling up and beginning to cause her more stress than the illness and treatments.

Polly has spent her entire career working for non-profit horse organizations and she does not regret a day of it. She has given of herself to others for the past thirty years and worked hard to promote safety in horsemanship. Now it is our turn to give back to her.

We, a small but ever-growing group of Polly’s friends, are pulling together to help Polly through these tough times. When we hear of a friend's suffering, we all have the same reaction-- I wish there was something I could do to help! While separately, it seems like our financial contribution may not have much influence, if we all pull together, collectively we can have a huge impact.

Please join us now, Polly's Friends, and donate whatever you can to help our dear friend in need. Every dime donated goes directly to Polly to help her cover her increasing expenses and mounting medical bills. No donation is too small and a monthly recurring donation ("subscription") means your gift keeps giving over the next 12 months. It is sad that a person dealing with a life-threatening disease has to worry about how to pay the bills, instead of focusing on the recovery. But we can help!

Please take a moment now to reach out to Polly and give whatever you can. It's quick and easy through PayPal, just click on one of the buttons above; or you can send a check or money order to:

Friends of Polly
c/o Heidi Potter
113 Stable Drive
Guilford, Vt. 05301

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We will keep you updated on Polly's progress and are confident of her recovery.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Julie Goodnight
Heidi Potter

Co-chairs, Polly’s Friends
Updated January 26, 2010